Farm Development Services
Tea Creek offers drone mapping, feasibility studies, and crop planning to help families, businesses, and nations prepare for food sovereignty.
Farm Preparation
Includes brushing, chipping, plowing, and tilling to prepare for renewed crop production. Our local crews will clear old productive farmland and tend to food forests to help revitalize their food production.
Planting and Bedding
Our crews will prepare beds and help plant in using modern equipment. We have a library of innovative, time saving tools and tractor equipment to help get growing.
2021 Crew Rates
$75/ hr base rate for 1 worker (including truck and trailer transport)
$110/ hr for crew of two workers (recommended, required for L class)
$35/ hr for each additional crew
Please book our crews as far in advance as possible!
Note that any plots that are overgrown will need to be mowed first. We do have a brush mower if needed.
Available Equipment
Tractors and Attachments
B or L Class Kubota Tractors depending on access and job size
Brush mower
Skeleton bucket, finishing bucket, and pallet forks
Ground breaking and finishing tiller
Ground breaking plow and sod plow
Post hole diggers (6” and 12” augers)
Tractor toolbar with S-tines, chisels, and discs
Potato plow
Mini raised bed maker, drip tape, and mulch layer
Veggie water wheel type transplanter
Single row potato harvester
Hand Tools
Hand Rototiller
Broadfork (for no-till bedding)
Johnny’s Tilthers
Jang Seeders
Flame weeder